Agency Worker Regulations



Moore Teachers is fully committed to complying with the Agency Worker Regulations, which came into force in October 2011. These regulations give basic rights to agency workers from day 1 of an assignment and then additional rights after week 12.


Moore Teachers provides a succinct overview of these rights below:




From the first day of an assignment in a school, Moore Teachers staff will have the same rights as permanent staff members for:


  • Access to collective facilities and amenities that are available to permanent staff doing the same or similar job in the school.
  • Access to information regarding school vacancies




After teachers or support staff have completed a 12 week “qualifying” period in the same school in the same role, they will be entitled to the same basic terms and conditions as if they had been employed directly by the school. After 12 weeks, all workers will be entitled to a pay rate, which is equivalent to that which a school would pay the worker if directly employed by them.


It does not matter if the member of staff works one day or five days a week – the 12 week qualifying period starts from day one of the first week. School holidays and illness do not constitute a break in service for calculating the qualifying period.


Moore Teachers will monitor staff placements and will inform you if someone is approaching the 12 week qualifying period. However, since this 12 week period includes any time the worker has been supplied to you by another agency, we will need to send you a short form to complete to confirm any such dates.


For a more detailed explanation of AWR, click on the link here AWR Information for Schools


Alternatively, you can contact our office for further information.

Curiosity in children… is but an appetite for knowledge.


John Locke