Teaching Resources for Primary Staff

We have put together a range of information and resources based on the National Curriculum as well as general links, information, planning and resources that we personally recommend because of the quality of their content. We hope you find them useful. Please feel free to ask for or recommend anything else that you think would be useful.

This page is updated regularly.


EYFS framework

National Curriculum for Key Stage 1 and 2

Compulsory RSE Curriculum


Top 10 Lesson Plans from TES (ages 4-11): Here you will find lesson plans, schemes of work, resources and all you need to teach should you ever arrive at school and no planning has been left!

BBC Teach: Teacher resources for all aspects of the curriculum across both Key Stages

The greatest sign of success for a teacher… is to be able to say, ‘The children are working as if I did not exist’.

Maria Montessori


KS1 Autumn group reading documents

Aesop’s Fables – audio stories read by celebrities

The Literacy Shed: A great site for clips and short films for a wide range of genres that encourage creative writing.

Key Stage One Interactive English Games

Poetry Train (David Harmer and Roger Stevens)

Writing Games

Reading Comprehension

Natural Curriculum – KS2 grammar resources linked with the natural world

D&T, Food and Nutrition

BBC Trailblazers – Music with accompanying resources

SEND support
Time Fillers
Behaviour Management
General Support for Teachers
Safer Internet Day
Christmas Resources